All our flours marked as “Organic” have been certified as such by the Soil Association. The way we grow and produce our food can make a world of difference for our health, as well as for wildlife and the environment. We’re proudly certified organic by the Soil Association, which means reducing the amount of toxins put into the earth with every bake and protecting the soil to keep our future harvests safe and encourage biodiversity. This creates not only the best quality flours for you but also for our planet. Certification is legally required to grow, process or market organic products, and all organic farms and companies are inspected by a certification body, at least once a year. This means when you see the organic symbol, you can trust that the food you buy has been made in a way that is better for people, animals and wildlife, and respects the natural environment. Organic farming methods can help to slow down climate change and regenerate soil fertility; if Europe’s farmland all followed organic principles, agricultural emissions could drop by 40-50-% by 2050, with plenty to feed the growing population healthy diets. Organic farmlands are also home to up to 50% more wildlife, store more carbon, have healthier soils, and around 75% more wild bees, as well as reducing exposure to pesticides.Not limited to certified organic, Shipton Mill work with farmers who uphold and share our values, who grow nourishing food, understanding their farms as an ecosystem, and who embrace biodiversity and champion growing without pesticides.