Unique example of sustainable craftsmanship
Scottish West Coast sea water is slowly trickled through the only working Thorn Tower in the world- built by local craftsmen and packed with Blackthorn branches- whilst being evaporated by West Coast winds.
Seawater is trickled through 54 wooden taps and a series of channels which are checked and adjusted daily according to the weather. The sea water seeps along every twig and thorn, maximising exposure to powerful and persistent coastal winds. The emerging droplets partially evaporate and any remaining liquid becomes a more concentrated brine.
Then, in the Pan House, the Salters skilfully and patiently work to ensure that as the crystals grow, they capture a balance of other elements too - such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and the tannins - which have such an important impact upon the taste.
Slowly grown and harvested by hand, these natural crystals enhance flavours and are considered to be a finishing salt. Wonderful when sprinkled onto your focaccia prior to baking!

Centuries of milling

Traditional Grains