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Milled from a blend of continental and English organic wheats
Available in 3 sizes
1kg, 16kg, 25kg

The natural strength of the wheat protein in this flour helps the dough remain in...
Available in 3 sizes
1kg, 16kg, 25kg

This flour is milled from a blend of the finest bread making varieties of UK...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 16kg

A blend of Canadian and English organic wheat
Available in 3 sizes
1kg, 16kg, 25kg

A wholemeal rye flour used to make dark rye breads
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Type 00 is the finest grade of flour we mill, and for this organic version...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

This grade of flour is renowned in Italy for being the very best type for...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

A bread flour packed full of flavour due to the delicious blend of malted grains...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 16kg

We mill our soft cake and pastry flour from English organic wheat
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

To produce the richness of this flour, whole grains of wheat, rye and barley are...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 2.5kg

Our founder, John Lister, visited the 18th century mill of Michelbacher Mühle, west of the...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

This flour is categorised in France by its ash content, which is where the name...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

This wholemeal flour, with its unique balance of flavours and textures, is our ode to...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 2.5kg

Spelt grain is a cereal that has been found by archaeologists in many prehistoric sites...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

We mill this creamy soft white flour entirely from English grown wheat
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Spelt is an ancient grain closely related to Emmer
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

This white flour, with its unique balance of flavours and textures, is our ode to...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 2.5kg

This type of flour was originally milled as a comparatively coarse, rustic flour in Northern...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

For those who love their breadmakers, or want an easy wholemeal to use
Available in 3 sizes
1kg, 16kg, 25kg

This beautiful organic wholemeal flour is milled from the highest protein wheats sourced from the...
Available in 1 size

Our organic fig, spelt and pumpkin seed flour blend is made using sun-dried Calimyrna figs...
Available in 1 size

Buckwheat is distantly related to the rhubarb family and is a naturally gluten-free pseudo-grain, it...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Einkorn is one of the earliest cultivated varieties of wheat
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 16kg

It took us years to perfect this stoneground “white” flour, which crosses the divide between...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Traditionally fermented and baked into Injera, brown teff has a malty flavour
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Into each of the five seeds contained in this flour, the plants have concentrated all...
Available in 1 size

Named after the Khorasan region of Northern Iran, our Khorasan flour is produced from an...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 16kg

Our Type 45 is designed to be used for making fine puff pastry, and is...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Made from one of the largest staple grains in the world, this flour is a...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Spelt grain is a cereal that has been found by archaeologists in many prehistoric sites...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Milled from brown rice grains our organic brown rice flour is slightly heavier than white...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Spelt is an ancient grain closely related to Emmer
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Also known as a pseudo-grain, sorghum is the seed of a grass similar in size...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

An organic medium Chapati (atta) flour, perfect for making chapatis and other Indian style breads,...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 16kg

A coarse cut wholemeal flour suitable for baking hearty breads with texture
Available in 1 size

Shipton Mill gluten-free plain white flour is great for everyday and keeping the cupboard stocked...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

A lovely short flour, this will add a great texture to cookies and bread mixes,...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Made from malted barley, diastatic malt is often used to soften the crumb of bread...
Available in 1 size
500 g

I first discovered Swiss Dark Flour when visiting the small alpine village of Saas Fee
Available in 1 size

A medium to fine gluten-free millet flour milled from the pale, golden seed of a...
Available in 2 sizes
750 g, 16kg

Showing 40 of 55 products