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Greek Flatbreads (10 pieces)


500g strong white flour

7g instant dry yeast

7g salt

5g sugar

195ml water

100ml milk

18ml olive oil

Olive Oil for inside of mixing bowl


Mix the yeast, sugar, salt, oil, milk and water in a large bowl.

Add the flour and mix to form a soft dough.

Scrape out the bowl onto the worktop. This is not a wet dough so avoid adding further flour at this stage.

Knead the dough for around 5 minutes (or until which time it passes the window-pane test)

Stretch the dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl to prove. Cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place until the dough has doubled in volume (expect 1 to 1.5 hours)

Punch back the dough, divide into 10 individual balls and leave to rest on the worktop cover to rest for 20 minutes covered with the cloth

One at a time, rollout and / or stretch the ball on a floured or oiled work surface. Aim for a circle of around 20cm diameter

Heat up a skillet / grillpan to nice hot temperature and then start to cook the flatbread on its first side. It should start bubbling up and rising and falling. The bread will quickly start to brown in around two minutes and then you flip and do the other side. (You will need to experiment with the level of heat and time)

Once cooked, I tend to stack in a warm oven on top of a pizza stone if you have one until the rest are cooked.

If not eaten right away the resulting flatbread can be cooled and reheated if using the same day. Otherwise they may be frozen and reheated successfully