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Gluten Free Pizza

YES, and it is not a penance, but rather good! A gluten-free pizza base can be tricky and often not palatable enough. This one is suprising.


1 cup Shipton Mill brown rice flour.

1 cup of boiling water

½ teaspoon salt.

½ sachet Shipton Mill organic dried yeast or other dried yeast or about ¼ teaspoon organic fresh yeast.


Mix the salt into flour.

Carefully pour the boiling water into the flour and stir rapidly with a wooden spoon or fork. This clumps together quickly, keep mixing to avoid clumps and dry patches, it is surprisingly easy. Form into a round/ball shape with the spoon and then hands. It will cool down in about 15 mins. Flatten the dough and sprinkle the yeast on it. Mix well with a fork and form into the round again. Place the dough in a bowl and put in a large plastic bag. Let it rise for at least an hour, it should look obviously aerated.

Oil an 11 inch/29cm baking tray well with EV olive oil. Oil your hands and place the dough on the tray. Flatten it and spread out to fill the tray…it is actually very pliable and easy. A small rolling pin or a glass work well to get even distribution.

Brush the top with more EV olive oil, prick the surface all over with a fork, and set aside for an hour to rise, it should show an indent when touched.

Bake at 230°C for 5 minutes and then place the assembled ingredients on top ... I used tomato passata, chick peas, oregano, parsley and mild tasting hard cheese.

Return to the oven for 10-12 minutes more.