Fig, Spelt and Pumpkin Seed Sourdough

Our organic fig, spelt and pumpkin seed flour blend is made using sun-dried Calmyrna figs which are prized for their natural sweetness and flavour. Chris created this flour blend especially to create a flavoured loaf, and blends organic wholemeal spelt with fine organic wheat flours and pumpkin seeds to complement the flavour of the figs.
You can also find our version for a yeasted tin loaf with this flour if you are short on time or want a lighter crumb Fig, Spelt & Pumpkin Seed Loaf Recipe.
INGREDIENTS - Makes one sourdough loaf
- 100g sourdough starter
- 330g water (at 35-40C temperature)
- 500g Organic Fig, Spelt and Pumpkin seed flour
- 10g salt
Feed the starter the day before and leave out overnight. The next day it should be nice and bubbly.
Mixing method 1 – by hand:
Place all the ingredients in to a bowl and mix well until well incorporated, then cover and set aside.
Fold the dough every 30 minutes for two hours (so four folds in total), then leave it for one hour to rest.
Mixing method 2 – electric mixer:
If you prefer you can mix the dough in a mixer. If so, mix the flour and water for 8-10 minutes then add the starter and mix for another 1-2 minutes. Finally add the salt and mix again for 1-2 minutes.
Fold the dough 1-2 times during a 3hr bulk.
Once mixed and when folding you want to leave the dough in a warm place to try and maintain a dough temperature in the mid to high 20’s C.
After the 3 hours the dough should have risen and feel nice and pillowy in texture.
Next, tip the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface and shape it to fit your basket. Be gentle when shaping so you don’t tear the dough, the wholemeal spelt makes it a bit more delicate.
Place into a well-floured basket (the best is a mix of white flour and rice flour) and leave out for about one hour before placing in the fridge overnight.
The next morning pre-heat the oven and casserole pot/ Dutch oven to 230C (around 10 degrees lower than you would bake a normal sourdough). Flip the loaf out of the basket on to some parchment paper and slash.
Lift it into your hot casserole pot using the parchment and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
Remove the lid and continue to bake for 10-15 minutes at 220 – 230C until you get the desired colour. Keep a close eye on it at this point as the crust can colour very quickly due to the sugar from the figs, so be careful not to let it burn.
Place on a wire rack to cool once baked through.