24 hrs in advance Create the starter dough by mixing 2 tablespoons of leven( mother starter) with 150grams of white organic flour
Once the starter has become active and is a lighter consistency ( should be quite bubbly) it is ready to add to your loaf.
Dry mix add to a bowl
500grms organic white four
8 grms of ground/ flaked sea salt
Wet mix at to seperate bowl
150grms of your overnight starter dough - made from above
300ml of warm water
Add the wet mix to the dry mix, leave to rest for 10 mins don't add anymore flour should be stiky but not too wet
After 10 minutes pull dough up whilst twisting the bowl, rest again repeat this process 3 more times
Leave for an hr to rise
Remove and lightly flour and place in prooving basket or flour lined or greaseproof paper lined bowl.
leave to rise over 3-6 hrs - i often make the loaf in the vening and let proove overnight in fridge( helps slow the rise down)
heat oven on 240 degress, once hot enough lower to 220 & place with a bowl of hot water on the bottom oven shelf to create the steam.
cook for 20-30 minutes until good colours crust and is hollow on the bottom when tapped,
allow to cool and enjoy