35g starter (any, white or wholemeal but bubbly recentl fed reaching 2x before using)
230g water
150g Canadian White
150g 00
15g good quality cocoa powder
5/6g salt
In warm weather ('summer' months UK May-Oct) I take my starter out of the fridge late at night and feed early in the morning. This allows all the steps below before night for the fridge proove. If you start later you may need an overnight in the bowl (short) or longer in the fridge but make sure you have at least 2-3 in the bowl on the counter before fridge
mix water and starter to dissolve, add cocoa powder and mix well. Add remaining flour and salt.
Mix roughly by hand to make a straggly dough. Leave 1h
Then stretch and fold 5 times every 30mins or so (can get away with 4)
Leave in the bowl to rise. By evening there should be significant rise (bubbles on surface but visible under in a glass bowl
Pull together into a ball by either going around the bowl pulling into center careful to avoid loosing too much of the rise or with a bench scraper do a preshape/rest and shape
Then place into a floured Banneton or floured cloth lined bowl cover with a showercap (or plastic bag) and place in fridge overnight 8h at least
heat oven to 250 with dutch oven in and once at temperature score the loaf and place into the Dutch oven and reduce to 220 (fan) and bake 30mins. Lift lid and bake another 3mins to improve crust
leave to rest on a rack for 1h before cutting into it Heavenly toasted with a drizzle of honey