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Honey & Olive Oil Spelt Bread


400g white spelt flour

100g malthouse flour

10g salt

1 sachet instant yeast

2 tablespoons honey 60ml extra virgin olive oil

300ml lukewarm water


1. Combine the flours in a large bowl (or free-standing mixer) and add the yeast.

2. Add the honey, olive oil and 200ml of the water and mix until you get a firm but soft dough, gradually adding the extra 100ml of water as needed.

3. Cover the dish with a teatowel and allow to double in size.

4. Turn onto a floured board and shape in to a smooth ball, allow to rise again for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200C.

5. Using a pair of scissors snip a pattern into the top of the dough, brush with olive oil and place in the preheated oven, bake for 30 minutes or until golden and hollow sounding when the base is tapped.